QR Codes


This QR code is for the website of Pinellas County Schools. The front page gives details about the mission of the school. It explains how the Library Department supports teaching and learning by providing access to high quality technology resources.


This website explains about the value of Library Media Specialists. Library Media Specialists collaborate with classroom teachers to assist with expanding the curriculum. In the library students learn how to research and access information. Librarians are present in the library to help students develop a love of reading and introduce them to all areas and aspects that they never knew existed.


This website talks about the challenges of connecting the library to student learning. It is believed that there is a connection between a lack of library use and retention. Library use is a greater contribution to student learning.

How QR codes could be used in the classroom is to find educational websites instead of typing in the entire website. The Library Media Specialist could use QR codes to keep a record of issued chrome books. They could also be used in the office or lunchroom for various school payments. 


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